Saturday, April 30, 2016

824. Unity in Corruption???

In my country I am amazed to see that people unite to uphold what is Adharma. Now please do not ask me what is Dharma and Adharma, for this subject matter I am pointing that being corrupt is Adharma.

Earlier we were told to stand united to fight for Dharma but now people do get together to save the skin of a corrupt fellow. A sycophant is ready to go to any extent to save his leader. I remember Karna here he too knew that Duryodhana was wicked but yet stood behind him. Maybe he thought he was indebted to Duryodhana for making him the King of Anga. If Karna could listen to his inner voice he could have returned back the gifted kingdom and fought for Dharma instead of against it.  
It is because of people like Karna that the group of people are not united against a common oppressor and their causes remain ignored. Even to this day people are not united against that which they feel is not correct. Look at the situation in my country now. There are people who unearth scams after scams through RTI, but then we have a bunch of idiotic sycophants and a section of media who stand behind those who are involved in those scams.

Just as Karna they remember those favours and benefits they received to remain loyal licking their boots till they die. I do not understand why one has to support a person who is corrupt.To me those loyal sycophants are like the scavengers who live on the leftovers. Shame on them. For the favour received these sycophants are ready to sell their souls.

There were kings in this land who sent their sons to gallows for not obeying the laws of the land. Those were the time when Dharma superseded nepotism favouritism and cronyism. The comforts of materialism has made us so. Amazingly a corrupt individual is not condemned but he is looked upon as a member of high class society, what an irony. 
If corruption is  justified and supported the future generation will have to bear with it terribly. If all become corrupt it will be jungle raj and it will be the "survival of the fittest". Please support those who are unearthing the scams my country is not poor it is very rich but the richness is with corrupt people. If we learn to oppose it we can let out future generation to live a better life. Just as important it is to save nature it is important to raise voice against those involved in corruption. What is wrong in calling a spade a spade I don’t understand.

Will those sycophants support their leaders if they are the victims of the corruption, I wonder???

Thursday, April 28, 2016

823. Every interaction is an opportunity to learn!!!

One of my friends asked me why I post on F.B almost every day.
I said I wish to share what I know.
Then the next question was if I already know what was the point in sharing it.

What I know is not the ultimate, a thought has always a counter thought which may improve the first. When the write-up is posted there is an interaction in the form of responses which will enhance the quality of the thought further.

I started writing since 2002 my first article was published on 1 Feb 2002 in the Speaking Tree column the topic was “Power of Chanting The Sahasranama” since then it is an urge from within to express. But would I have continued if there was no response….is the question???

How long can anyone go on posting if nobody visited the post and give their views about the topic. I want to share what I know with others, let others know what I think about a particular subject, and let me too know what they think about my thoughts over it. In short, I am interested in sharing, communicating and interacting.

I have noticed many enthusiastic writers close shop because of lack of responses. While many more (me included) find fresh air and vigour through the response, interest and interaction with all of you. This I have to say is the atmost grace of my Sri Hari on me. A seed for the subject come to me during the course of interaction from the response of the previous post. Thus a new post is born. Even if there is no response it is good to share what is known is my feeling.

My only objective is that anything I post should be informative, unbiased, thought provoking, and more than anything, highly readable. Posting a controversial post or any articles to showcase any religion, culture or tradition in dimlight was is and never will be my cup of tea.

What really excites me is the post should also be a platform for others to pen down their thoughts and publish them. Everyone does have ample thoughts enough to publish a book, some pen it down some won’t. For those who are interested to share their thoughts, I request them to post. As those thoughts which are posted will outlive the writer making that thought immortal. And further it is also equally exhilarating to know that others who are more intellectuals read our thought and reciprocate to them.

If you are good at cooking, please do publish a blog on the recipes with photos of the dish prepared it will help many. If you know anything about Automobile, or Ayurveda, or Home Tips and there are many many subjects to choose from.

Just request the Absolute to bestow the flow and get started……!

Happy Blogging……!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

822. Befriend God…….!

Ours is a country where polytheism is followed. This polytheism was the source for many philosophies emerging and the sects getting the separate identity. Eternal Sanatana Dharma which was the way of life was split into many cults and sect with its own culture and tradition. This culture and tradition has given the strong identity to my country. We conceived it and follow it strictly and it has become our religion.  

We are because of what we believe in. The whole concept of this religion is because we lost interest in search for the answers of our existence and purpose of our birth. Our existence and purpose of our birth is such a complicated interrogation that we found it safe to put our faith on something we call “GOD”.

So we became “God Conceiving”. We wait wasting our lifespan believe that GOD will someday let us comprehend those secrets. Hence there is a constant need to keep GOD in good books. We became “God Adoring”.

We started to feel that if we do good, He will be pleased and will shower grace on us. Likewise anything wrong done would be punishable. The puranas were penned to justify this; God does good to those who do good to others. This led us to believe that if anything good happens in our lives it is due to helping others. 

The feel of fulfilment of helping others which a decade or two was called “Philanthropism” just faded. Right now it is just accumulate the good done to reciprocate for the good to be received. Thus all of us have become accountants auditing our actions and categorising them as good and bad.

The bad times encountered were obviously pointed to bad actions. To get relief from enduring the rough times we needed some remedy. Thus was Astrology conceived which branched out to numerology, gemology, palmistry, tarot reading, vaastu, fengshui and many more. The end result of this was a seeker who was “God Adoring” became “God Fearing”.

According to Hinduism the notion of morality is complex and God is not a wrathful person waiting to pounce on errant individuals. Amazingly the venal villains in our puranas, in fact, acquired their power as the grace from one God and it took another God to undo the damage and finish off that villains. Polytheism explained at the best.  
By endearing oneself to a particular God, He might grant boons that could make one invincible and fear no God. For example: Hiranyakasipu did obtain a boon that he would die neither in the day nor at night, neither inside a building nor outside, at the hands of neither man nor beast, neither by a weapon pierced or thrown at. And to outsmart the villain another God took an unimaginable form of half lion and half man came out of a pillar at dusk took the villain on to the threshold hurled him on His lap and ripped open his belly with His nails.     

The ultimate goal is not to fear God but to get God on our side. God-befriending is better than being God-fearing….just as Arjuna did……What say???

Monday, April 25, 2016

821. Hope not to have many Expectations on Desires…!

Is there a time when we do not have any expectations? Standing at the bus stand a person would expect that the particular bus he is waiting for is the next to come. Amazingly that limit varies from person to person and situation to situation. But sometimes expectations when it crosses its limit will cause heart break. Is having an expectation wrong then? Everyone has expectations and they sometimes are contrary. A student expects more pocket money while his father would want his son not to spend lavishly. A factory worker expects a raise in the salary while the factory management expects to increase the production. A farmer expects rain when he has to till the land but wants sun shine during harvest. Totally it is a feeling in every single person to see that things happen as they precisely want it to be.

When all the things that are expected happen, it is just fabulous but what if it does not happen? Whenever we expect something we tend to get attached to that thing very sensitively. This attachment makes it difficult when it turns out to be otherwise and mind spins around it for a long time and heart is felt very heavy to get in terms.

With expected results not achieved there is a positive side, every time it teaches a lesson and inspires to be stronger and get into introspective thought as to why it did not happen? The answer to this question will give strength to cope up with the setbacks. Expectation also takes birth from desire. There is nothing wrong in having a desire but it is always better to deserve first and desire subsequently. Desire would be dormant if there is no hope. Hope is the conviction and desire is its motivator. Both are necessary to some extent for fulfilment of an expectation. Hence expectation is an active mind-set if it is evaluated to hope. When it is hope, it is the destiny to take over but in the case of expectation it is more of the will power that comes into the picture. In expectation we try to directly influencing the outcome whereas in hope we cannot influence. At some instances expectation fares better while in certain areas hopes fare better. But we all know that willpower seldom works alone and in such cases we can only hope.

Hopes, expectations and desires are all just in the mental realm and there is a Supreme Power that is behind everything and controlling it. So it is better to be pleased with what one has and have the brilliance to know what best can be done with whatever is and reach the upmost peaks in satisfaction. One need to be “Alpa Santusta” (pleased with few) and not “Alpa Tripta” (contented with few). In being Alpa Santusta one is pleased with whatever may be the outcome without many expectations. But by being Alpa Tripta one does not use his potential to the extent as his goal is always below his capability.

“Expect little and give yourself more at work, you never know if you are fulfilling other person’s expectation….”

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

820. The Cosmic Consciousness….everywhere!!!

There is nothing to be achieved or attained in Iswara Chaitanya (Cosmic Consciousness). It is not something outside; it is all here within me. If I think I should go towards Iswara which is somewhere away from me then that idea has to be shunned. Again if I say “within me “somewhere at the back of my mind I sound “not outside”. Neither up nor down, inside nor outside, here nor there none of these notions apply to the Omnipresent Iswara. It is impossible for my mind to remain a human mind and at the same time understand Iswara. Only a Cosmic mind can understand Cosmic Consciousness. When my mind is so relieved of its Ego then my mind is capable of understanding Iswara.

Mankind has built places of worship for the convenience of adoring Him but out of ignorance we has limited the existence of Iswara to the four walls and forgotten about His aspect of Omnipresence. My human mind has always accepted many forms of Iswara and failed to understand that He is above names and forms. 

In Vedanta philosophy, the highest word used for the Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient entity is “Brahman” (Absolute Consciousness) and word only slightly below that is Iswara Chaitanya (Cosmic Consciousness). Iswara is Brahman with attributes. 

According to Vedanta this universe that has manifested is in reality not different from Iswara. Here the seeker will understand the “Oneness”. All this manifestation of the universe is one single expansion of THAT infinite. The modern physicist also view that the universe is the expansion of a primordial atom which our Vedanta refers to as Hiranya Garbha.

The highest exponent of Vedanta philosophy Sri Sri Sankara says that the knowledge of Iswara alone is not sufficient but an equal amount of Viveka (Power of Discrimination) is also necessary. Viveka is the first among the four virtues (Sadhana Chatustaya) required for a seeker. It is an important element for the human mind to understand the vastness of Iswara.

There is a story in Vedanta, which illustrates requirement of Viveka without which the knowledge of Iswara is of little use. Once in an ashram a disciple had mastered in various texts of Vedanta from his Guru for many years. After getting proficient in the philosophy and learning the logics of it, he was immersed in the knowledge of Iswara. His Guru once sent him to the city for the first time. It so happened that an elephant that was in musth was running down the street. The mahout sitting on the elephant was trying to control it and was warning everybody in the street. “Watch out! Stay away! Watch out” But the disciple who had taken the lesson of Vedanta philosophy and knew all to be Iswara, thought to himself “I am Iswara and so is the elephant” How can a Iswara hurt another? Thus contemplating he walk.

The rushing elephant gave one blow from its trunk and the poor fellow fell on the side-walk. He got up shaken and his Guru who was watching all this stood there. The disciple asked his Guru “You thought me that all this is Iswara. How could a Iswara hurt another?

“That is true my boy”, the Guru explained, “Iswara can never hurt another. But that one who was shouting all the time to watch out and stay away, why didn't you listen to that Iswara?”

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

819. Vision without Action is only a Big Dream…….!

The younger generation are told to dream big. The life coach team ask them to set goals and to have a vision board. Now for some of us who are unfamiliar with that word “Vision Board” it is a tool to help clarify, concentrate and maintain focus on a specific life goal. Literally, a vision board is any sort of board on which one paste images that represent whatever he want to be or would want to have in his life. They say “Vision Board” is to get motivated.

There is no harm in dream or getting motivated by vision board but just dreaming or glancing on the vision board daily will never help. What really helps one to convert the dream into reality is ACTION. Vision without Action is mere Dream.

What is Action?
Action is the will to do and achieve.  

Now achieve what??
Achieve the goal.

So the Vision Board which display what one want to be or want to have in his life is different from the goal to be achieved….. Right???

The real confusion is here the Vision Board which the life coach talks about to the young generation is that which is got from achieving the goal, those displayed in the vision board is not the goal….am I correct???

Everyone will have that Vision Board why even A. M. Sadiq Batcha, the close aide of A. Raja of the infamous 3G scam had a “VISION BOARD” which read “I will become the richest man on the Earth” and stuck on all the five mirror in his bedroom and bathroom to get motivated. The person who wanted to be the richest man on earth was found hanging at his residence for knowing too much about the 3G scam.

Karma Siddhanta uses two words “Yoga” (Fortune) and “Yogyatha” (Deservance). Yoga is the fruit one can relish because of the actions from previous births. But the route to that achievement is the Yogyatha. For example, we have seen many theatre personalities who act so well but are not as famous and not as successful as an actor having a huge fan following. That average actor has the fortune but he has not worked hard to obtain that deservance. There could be cases of success achieved without much of effort for which Yoga (Fortune) is the answer. But the Yoga with Yogyata (Deservance) is appreciated since success without sweat is never sweet.

This is exactly what Sri Krishna tells Arjuna “Just participate in the war; the result of it is predestined. If there is Yoga you become the King of the land, if not you attain a heroic death which comes if you have the Yogyatha.”

This is the eternal law which is applicable even today hence the eminent American writer Ralph Waldo Emerson writes “The reward of a thing well done is to have done it.”

For some the reward is what is got from the work done while for a very few the reward is the work done well. Work done well is the “Karmasu Kaushalam” the excellence in work which leads one to Yoga.......What say??? 

Friday, April 15, 2016

818. Self-Confidence or Self-Conceited????

Atmavishvasa (Self-Confidence) is always confused with Atmasambhavita (Self-Conceited). I have to be confidant but not conceited, if I am one I feel the need to prove something which I know I am not.

A by-product of Atmasambhavita is Swabhimana (Self-Pride). Is it wrong to be a Swabhimani?
No. Self-pride is associated with a sense of responsibility. If I am proud of my country for its culture and tradition then I display my patriotism by being a Swabhimani. Having said that I should not be a Durabhimani (intolerable proud), I should also feel responsible for any defects therein and must voice against those culture and tradition which is not acceptable.

Swabhimana (Self-Pride) is an internal matter while Durabhimana (Intolerable Pride) is external. Too much of Swabhimana is like a two-sided sword, one sharp side being Moha (attachment) and the other Madha (arrogance). Moha due to Swabhimana blinds my eye making it difficult for me to search for the flaws if any, to rectify. Madha due to Swabhimana makes me adamant to accept the flaws pointed out by others.

 “Hypocrisy, pride, self-conceit, wrath, arrogance and ignorance, O Partha, arise in one born of the Demonic nature” says Sri Krishna to Arjuna in Gita. Further Sri Krishna uses a word “Amanittvam” which is being Non-Conceited which He refers to as one who does not exaggerate the sense of one's own self, skills, personality, stature, etc. This is being modest.

The one who is modest is the one who has Self-Confidence as he accepts himself as completely as he is. He is aware of his strength and his weakness and more importantly he would think of transforming his weakness to his strength. Sri Krishna says this self-respect comes only from living a Dharmic life, and not from any achievement.

With just the Self-Conceited and without Self Confidence there is craving for a false sense of worth. It is here that one wants praise, attention and applauds. After posting a write-up or uploading a photo he want multiple likes in Facebook, he get upset when people ignore them with no response. 

One who is confident of what he has posted knows the worth of what has posted and hence he is not worried about the count of likes. He is also aware that the like for the post is not for him but for the substance in the write-up.   

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

817. Our Farmers were right in every way…..!

Our farmers about 5-6 decades back were using Bio-Fertilizers. The Bio-Fertilizers or the organic manure was made from coco peat, cow dung/urine and agricultural waste with the help of earthworms. Our agricultural practises were so deep and strong that every farmer had profound knowledge of his soil and the essential nutrients that his soil required to grow a particular crop depending on the climatic conditions. He knew that if he had to grow leafy vegetables he had to introduce more of Sarajanaka (Nitrogen) to his soil which was available in poultry waste. For root vegetables Ranjaka (Phosphorous) which is got from Rock Phosphate and finally Potash form ash for strengthening the stem. The secondary macro-nutrients Calcium, Magnesium and Sulphur along with micro-nutrients Copper, Iron and Manganese were from the Desi Cow dung and urine. But our farmers were lured to Chemical Fertilizers and pesticides just for better yield.

My country was land of Milk and Honey. Every house had a minimum of four to five Desi Cow and Bull. When the British came to my country they found two most astonishing things namely the Gurukul (Educational system) and the Krishibal (Agriculture strength). Robert Clive the Governor of Bengal made extensive research on the agriculture system and concluded Desi Cow were the basis of Indian agriculture. To break the back of Indian agriculture cows had to be eliminated. He estimated that the number of cows in my country at that time was 3:1 when compared to humans. He also knew that Desi Cow urine and dung were the primary ingredients working as fertilizer as well as pesticides providing nutritious food.

Robert Clive started the first cow slaughter house in 1760 to destabilise agriculture in my country. In the place of Desi Cows the European breed called Jersey cows were introduced to farmers. Truly the Jersey Cows did give more milk compared to our Desi Cows but they ate and drink twice more than our Desi Cow. When we look into the casein protein content our Desi Cow (A2) milk scores better that the Jersey Cow (A1) milk. Now at present the whole world prefers our Desi Cow (A2) milk.

Not only in agriculture sector but in consumable sector also we were a way ahead. We used salt, neem and charcoal to brush our teeth and keep them clean. But they introduced us a toothpaste with fluoride to make our teeth bright. After a few research they found fluoride in tooth paste with fluoride will calcify pineal gland, the Third Eye. Now the famous toothpaste brand says its toothpaste has salt, neem and charcoal. 

Monday, April 11, 2016

816. Is Life a Dream or Is it a Drama???

“Is life a mere dream?” I would wonder. Well, I could only say that though life is not exactly a dream which appear when I sleep, in one sense it is a dream. Why do I call it a dream? Simply because my vision of life is always different from what it actually is. There is always a basic difference in my perception and what it appears to be in reality and this difference itself is LIFE which inspires me to accept everything that I perceive to be real. I must confess that I am incapable of perceiving that fundamental reality directly. Hence everything I perceive is a simulation or a version of that fundamental reality that exists in patterns of circumstance and materializes to my mind in a way that it can be easily dealt with.

This perceived life exists only if I am aware of it and when I am in a position to categorise and interpret about it in my mind. But the fundamental reality that motivates me to perceive this world and life to my liking however, exists as it is unchanged even if my mind exists or not. There is one aspect of existence which makes me feel as just Consciousness, which induces the subjective trait in me. On the other hand there is another aspect which is fully objective and external to my mind. Even though I can determine the manner in which I perceive reality, yet I can't stray beyond the fundamental nature that forms the objective, external foundation of that reality.

Once there was a businessman who was successfully handling his flourishing business. His success in business gave him the comforts of all the amenities of life. He had a beautiful small family which he adored and loved. He was a good husband and a good father as well. When he was leading a contented life all of a sudden he had to suffer big loss in business. The extent of the loss was such that he had to surrender everything including his palatial house to the mortgage loan he had taken from the bank. The entire relations and friends felt sorry for the businessman. His in-laws were devastated, his wife could not get in terms with the loss but the businessman was not bewildered and he remained calm.

Seeing her husband as calm as ever, the wife asked, “Is your heart as hard as stone not to be sensitive about what you have lost in the business. I have seen you work so hard and build the business step by step. Even though I do not know personally I have seen you struggle at the early stages of your business. How is it that you seem to be least bothered at loss of our beautiful home also?”

At this the husband said, “Yes, my dear the loss was unexpected as was the success. I am not worried because that worry will not let me to hope and think positive about my future ventures. In simple words I will tell you why I am not worried about what had happened. Last night, I had a dream and in that dream I was a king. As the king of that region I was on to conquer my neighbouring kingdom. I fought hard and was about to take the neighbouring king as prisoner of war, it was then you woke me. Now if I had worried about the timing of you waking me in the morning and if I had shouted at you for waking me at that glorious moment of my dream would you not have felt how silly I was talking? Will it not spoil a nice morning for both of us? It is the same here, if at present I am worried about the past I will have to forgo my future.”

Life is an overlap of continuous dreams as well as nightmares and a script less drama with unknown script. This knowledge helps an individual to move on in life despite the triumphs and turbulences.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

815. Happy Yugadi to one and all…..!

The word Yugadi is a union of two Sanskrit words “Yuga” (Year) and “Adi” (Beginning) Yugasya adi = yugadi, (Beginning of the year). It is the starting day of Kaliyuga.

Kaliyuga began on Feb 20, midnight 3102 BC on the day when Sri Krishna ended his avatara of which was for the Dusta Jana Bhanjana (Annihilation of Evil Individuals) and Shista Jana Paripalana (Protection of the Good Individuals) at Prabhas.

Yugadi as per Kaliyuga starts from Chaitra Shudda Paadya (Vasanta Ritu) “Samvatsara” means Varsha, i.e., year.  As per Hindu tradition, there are 60 Samvatsaras, each has different names. This Samvatsara is Sri Durmukhi Nama Samvatsara. This Sri Durmukhi Nama Samvatsara is the 5117 th year of Kaliyuga.  

On this day a Sanathani gets up at Arunodaya Kala. Aruna who is the elder brother of Garuda is the charioteer of Sun. Before the sunrays it is the rays of Aruna which is crimson red which appear on the sky this is Arunodaya.  

Thaila Abhyanjana is advised on this day. There is a lot of significance given to head massage with with Sesame oil before bath to get relief from stress and strain.

Nimbakusuma Bhakshana is another most important ritual of this day. Nimba means Neem and Kusuma means flower. Tradition is that on this day people eat a pickle (sauce) made with a combination of six ingredients that gives six different tastes. The ingredients are Neem flowers, Raw mango, Jaggery, Tamarind, Chillies, and Salt. It is popularly called as Yugadi Pachhadi in Telugu.

It is a mixture of six different tastes viz. bitter (Neem), sweet (Jaggery), sour (Tamarind) salty (Salt), hot/spicy (Chillies/Pepper), and tang (Raw Mango). The philosophy in eating this sauce with six tastes is to say that life is not a bed of roses it is a mixture of sadness, happiness, anger, fear, disgust, and surprise which has to be accepted together with equanimity. 

There is also a scientific health message involved in eating this. Neem is good for diabetes, skin diseases, and acts as a blood purifier and anti-oxidant. Jaggery helps in increasing the haemoglobin content of blood that help in curing iron deficiency, Tamarind fights against vitamin C deficiency, raw Mango prevent diarrhoea and heat stroke, Salt gives energy, Chillies helps build immune defence system and Pepper is an excellent source of manganese, a very good source of iron and vitamin K, and a good source of dietary fibre. 

Panchanga Sravana is another important practice. Panchanga means an almanac that contains the astronomical/astrological daily details mainly related to Thithi, Nakshatra, Yoga, Karna and Vara are called as Pancha Angas (five limbs or five elements) that helps forecasts for eclipses, weather, monsoon, transit of planets etc. Tithi is Ending Moment (EM) of elongation of the Moon, the lunar day, the angular relationship between Sun and Moon (Apparent Moon minus Apparent Sun). One Tithi equals 12 degree difference between Moon and Sun. Nakshatra is Ending Moment of asterism of the day, that is, the stellar mansion in which Moon is located for an observer at the centre of the Earth. One Nakshatra equals 13 degrees and 20 minutes. There are 27 Nakshatra in 360 degrees. Yoga is the Ending Moment of the angular relationship between Sun and Moon (Apparent Moon plus Apparent Sun). One Yoga equals 13 degrees and 20 minutes. There are 27 Yogas in 360 degrees. Karana is Ending Moment of half of a Tithi. One Karaṇa equals 6 degree difference between Moon and Sun. Vara is the weekday the seven weekdays.

And finally the most virtuous is the Prapadana. Offering water starting from this day for 4 months (Summer) is said to be needy for the people to quench their thirst.

Our customs and traditions are so very scientific. It is very interesting to know about it and follow them…..What say???

May this Sri Durmukhi Nama Samvatsara bring you all peace and tranquillity.    

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

814. Attachment is a Hindrance to the Spiritual Path…….!

Sage Narada and Ram Bhaktha Hanuman were going to Vaikunta. As they walked together their vision happened to fall on a middle-aged couple in a small town. The husband was Ram Pyare and his wife was Lajwanti, Ram Pyare was busy all day earning money. Ram Pyare sold food grains in his shop the whole day and in evening along with his wife he would sell snacks at the park. He earned a lot of money and brought gold and household articles. Though they had married for 15 years they did not have children.  

On watching the couple Narada told Hanuman, “This man is leading a miserable life; if I could help him I will bring him here to Vaikunta and let him be at bliss.”

Hanuman retorted, “Munivar, you do not know about such humans they are attached to the worldly life and they are used to suffering even if you offer them a place in Vaikunta they will blindly refuse.”

“Unbelievable, said Narada. “But I wish to find out myself if really he would refuse my offer.” Saying so he appeared before Ram Pyare and told him, “You are leading a life of hardship, I will take you to Vaikunta and it is a very rare opportunity I know you would not miss.”

Ram Pyare pondered and said, “I am not ready, what happens to my shop and my snack business and moreover my wife is young we do not have children what will happen to her. There is lot of time left to go to Vaikunta you may go now.”

Narada went back to Hanuman and said, “Yes, he is right he has to have kids and then he will be ready.” Hanuman said you will never find him eager to come to Vaikunta. You can try as many years you want.”

After twenty years Narada went to see Ram Pyare and offer him place in Vaikunta. But he found a young man in the shop he learnt that Ram Pyare had passed away last year. With his yogic power he found out Ram Pyare had taken birth as ox and was in the cattle shed of the same house serving his son.

Narada went up to the ox and said, “Look, even in this birth you are working hard I fact harder than your previous birth. What kind of a life is this? My offer of a place in Vaikunta is still open.”

Go away,” answered the ox. “All my life as a human I yearned for a son and when I got one I could spend only 15 years with him. I want to help my son so that he can get more grains from city and sell them in this village. I cannot come with you to Vaikunta.”

Narada was amazed. He went back and reported his observations to Hanuman. Hanuman told Narada, “Holy Sage, to know the strength of human attachments please try for some more time.”

After about ten years Narada again returned to visit Ram Pyare. The ox had died and reborn as a dog in the same house. Narada found him sitting in puddle of water unable to bear the scorching heat. Narada was full of compassion and pleaded, “Think Ram Pyare, even now you can end your life on this earth plane and come back to Vaikunta. But as a dog your life is not better than ox or human. You are not allowed inside the house even if it is raining or unbearable heat. You are given leftovers, yet they expect you to faithfully guard their house day and night. Are you now ready for Vaikunta?”

“No, Narada. No. I cannot consider Vaikunta at this time. You see, my daughter-in-law is very careless. She wears lot of jewels, and unmindfully leaves it everywhere and there are thieves here looking for an opportunity to steal them. I have to keep a watch and make sure they do not enter the house. How can I think of going to Vaikunta? Please come back in a few years.”

Hanuman heard Narada’s report and insisted him to visit again after a few years.

So after about five years Narada went again to visit Ram Pyare’s house. The dog had died. Ram Pyare’s soul had been reborn as a little worm that wriggled and crawled in filth of the drain outside the house. Narada thought, ‘Now, surely, Ram Pyare will agree to come to Vaikunta with me.’

But Ram Pyare said, “I know life as a worm in the drain crawler is hard, but I am sorry I am not ready to leave it. I want to see my grandchildren playing happily and feel contented. All this is familiar to me; to tell you the truth I am scared of the unknown. The freedom and comforts of Vaikunta that you want to offer is vague. How can I cope with the freedom you offer? Please leave me alone and go away.”

Narada returned and recounted everything to Hanuman and said, “What you said is true Hanuman. What a wonderful glue of attachment these humans have applied to themselves? It holds them stuck tight to the Samsara into which they are born again and again. Only one in a million becomes curious and search for the means to liberate. Then they taste freedom and know what Bliss it is all about. And very smartly my Lord has made it unable to for them describe the experience in Vaikunta to the others because it is beyond words!”

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

813. A Valid Reason to read from the Original Manuscripts...!

This was sent to me by a friend who always insisted everybody to read the “Mula Grantha” be it Valmiki Ramayana or Vyasa Bharatha. My friend felt that though there are numerous Ramayanas and Mahabharathas penned by many writers they were all bland when comparing to one written by Sage Valmiki and Sage Vyasa.

When I asked him why? He would say that modified or imitative versions were no match to the original. And in many cases the original could be twisted to favour the thoughts of the author. Now to prove that point he sent this episode through e-mail.

A young monk arrives at a monastery. He is assigned to helping the other monks in copying the old canons and laws of the monastery by hand.

He notices, however, that all of the monks were copying from copies, not from the original manuscript. So, the new monk goes to the head Abbot to question this, pointing out that if someone made even a small error in the first copy, it would never be picked up! In fact, that error would be continued in all of the subsequent copies.

“We have been copying from the copies for centuries,” the head monk says, “but you make a good point, my son.”

He goes down into the dark caves underneath the monastery where the original manuscripts are held as archives in a locked vault that hasn't been opened for hundreds of years.

Hours go by and nobody sees the old Abbot.

The young monk gets worried and goes down to look for him. He sees him banging his head against the wall and wailing.

“We missed the R!  We missed the R! We missed the R!”

His forehead is all bloody and bruised and he is sobbing uncontrollably.

The young monk asks the old abbot, “What's wrong, Reverent Sir?”  

With a choking voice, the old abbot replies, “The word was.........“CELEBRATE!!!”  in the original text and while copying someone had missed the word “R” and other had replaced “E” with “I” making the word which was “CELEBRATE”   to “CELIBATE” which we followed all the while blindly.

812. Does Knowledge give me Experience or is it vice versa???????

Is it Knowledge which gives me Experience or is it vice versa???

There have been discussions on this since ages. In fact this has become a topic of controversy. Knowledge is usually misunderstood to be studying and chanting Vedas, Upanishads, Gita and Puranas in a traditional way under a Guru. At the same time experience is understood to be that which is “acquired”. But how is it acquired, is it not from the knowledge? Yes, but only if knowledge is not confined to just “Shravana” (listening or reading). After Shravana one does “Manana” (reflection with discussions) and then by “Nidhidhyasana” (contemplation).

A Guru can only just teach that is, he can give a sermon or even one can go and read scriptures, but is that enough? No, it is of no use at all unless the listened or read subject is discussed and contemplated upon and put into practice. It is never the duty of the Guru or for the matter a book to get the seeker to discuss and contemplate.

But some say that experience could be got even without knowledge. Agreed, but will it not be a lengthy process altogether. If one has to cook a certain dish and has the recipe, it would be simpler than experimenting with the ingredients just for the sake of experience. Isn’t it?

Experience from knowledge or knowledge from experience. Which is better? Can one lead to other? There is difference of opinion and hence confusion prevails always. What I personally feel is a proper appreciation of both and the approach that suits to the seeker depending upon the school of thought he is following will help. It becomes unfair and premature for a seeker to reject without prior analysis on what could help when approached. And it is also not proper for a seeker to create controversy by telling that approach which has suited him is correct and ask other seekers to denounce the other.

I am not trying to resolve the dispute as I know it is impossible since it is a volatile issue which needs the seeker himself to attend it. Also in this relative world professionals do not match their problems with their experiences; instead they try to match them with their knowledge. Experience is handy only if one has the knowledge in place. Experience has no value when there's no knowledge to verify whether the applied experience is falling at the right slot.
From Jnana (Knowledge) one gets Anubhava (Experience) and from Anubhava one has Anubuthi (Realisation). One has to gain and apply knowledge first, and experience will automatically help after that. That knowledge which gives one experience also helps in achieving realisation.  It is easy to talk about the results of both the methods and look which is better. 

“Brahmavid Brahmaiva Bhavathi” says a famous Upanishad statement which means the “knower” of Brahman becomes Brahman. Those who prefer knowledge path often repeat this statement to confirm their stands and get satisfied. But it is only experience that can lead a seeker to “Truth.”Yet, when one feels that having experience is indeed ultimate, does the knowledge if already obtained go down the drain? Will it not help? It is said that to have Anubhuthi (realisation) a seeker who has Anubhava (experience) should never think Jnana (knowledge) is for initial level only and not required afterwards.   

Monday, April 4, 2016

811. Be like Nature…… just BE!!!

The mango tree at our factory is filled with green mangoes as every year. Last year too there was a good yield of mangoes and I do hope the coming years too there would be a good yield. It is so natural for the tree to yield as this season approaches. It is like as if the tree stood there the whole year just waiting for this season to give back.   

Last week the accounting for the last financial year ended and we needed to assess the production of our factory. Though it was not bad, the thought that we could have done better always persist. Surprisingly if it has bettered the previous years statistics the feel of boasting the success sets in. Why is it that the thought, it could have been better OR "we are the best" comes into our mind??? The mango tree just produces and never thinks in the same lines, why???

Nature works and there is no doubt about it. It has worked for aeons and will continue to work without any kind of assessments. Why is it so that while nature can work without assessments, we humans don’t??? The only difference between nature life and human life is our thinking mind. We humans are one with nature, except for that thinking part in us. Thinking mind stands outside nature, or maybe it feels so. The thinking mind wants the reasons and clarifications in every phase.  

Some may argue that humans consume so they need to assess we have forgot that nature also consumes. While nature consumes less and produce more the same cannot be said the humans. Our human mind is filled with ideas and notions of how things have to be. There is a flow chart in the mind before the task is taken up. If there is a slight difference in the idea and implementation there is stress, but none of these exist in nature. This is the only reason why nature works without much hungama.

Nature is always an advancing process within a consistent and energetic system. This consistent and energetic dance of the nature is always just as it is and it should be. Amazingly the perfect part of nature is that there is no concept of perfect or imperfect in it. Amusingly this is what is in it that makes it perfect. The reason behind it being perfect is that it does not compete with others. Mango tree in our factory does not compete with the mango tree in the compound of my neighbour. As there is no competition there is no hungama.    

My Literary Guru D.V. Gundappa (better known as D.V.G) writes in his profound work called “Mankutimmana Kagga” (Rambling of dull headed Thimma) thus:

A new plant sprouts out of a seed without a drum-roll.
A flower ripens into a fruit without any trumpet call.
The sun and the moon shine without any turmoil.

Brag not; seal your lips – Mankuthimma.

Friday, April 1, 2016

810. Knowledge is Power.........!

A clean shaven middle aged man with dark summer glasses trolls his suitcase into the lobby of an airport. Walks straight to the Airline check-in desk and collects the boarding pass and settles down at the lounge. After a few minutes he fishes out his mobile phone and starts dialling the numbers. In a fraction of a second there is huge explosion as if the airport building shake followed by dust and smoke and lots of screaming. The burning smell shattered glass and smeared blood on the floor.   

It was indeed a BOMB BLAST!!!

A fortnight later the investigating team tabled the report. The clean shaven middle aged man was the suspect who blew himself up in the name of religion. Details of his whereabouts revealed that he hailed from a remote village. He was an orphan brought up by a pious man. He graduated from a prestigious engineering college studied electronic and was proficient in signals and controls. He was picked up by some fundamentalist and brainwashed to use his academic knowledge of electronic signals and controls for destruction of mankind in the name of religion.

To get education on electronic signals and controls was by itself not dangerous but the way the knowledge of it is implemented could be. Formal process of Education provides one the informal experience called knowledge.  Knowledge is power, but when in wrong hands it is trouble. In ancient times a person who imparts education would look for the Adhikari (Eligible). Guru picked the shishya not by looking just his eagerness to learn but also his character. Svabhava (Character) of an individual is moulded by the Samskara (Impression) which is triggered by the Trigunas.

The Svabhava of a dog is to bark and it does when it sees a stranger or even if its master is wearing a mask. In Adi Parva of Mahabharata, Ekalavya uses his arrows to seal the mouth of the barking dog. When Dronacharya heard that the barking of the dog was silenced by Ekalavya who claimed to be his disciple, Drona asked him his right thumb as Guru Dakshina.

Why did Drona heartlessly ask for the right thumb???

Many who do not know the epic feel it was caste discrimination, which was not true. Agreed Drona was keen to make Ajuna one and only superior archer. In the eagerness to show off his skills Ekalavya pierced arrows to the dog’s mouth to silence it. Arjuna too knew Shabdavedi Vidya (the art of shooting by listening) he could have also used his arrows to silence the dog. But his Samskaras did not allow him to injure the animal.  
Drona, a learned person thought that someone who is not compassionate is not eligible to possess those deadly skills. Ekalavya had somehow acquired Shabdavedi Vidya and could use the knowledge to cause danger to others. He foresees that Ekalavya if left unchecked may pose a threat to everyone, hence he asked for his thumb as Guru Dakshina for the welfare of the community.

Note: There are many stories (written by Brahmin-bashers) which suggest that dog was stuck with arrows without hurting the dog. These are not in Vyasa Bharatha, the original text. How can the arrows pierce the mouth of the dog as written by Bhagvan Vyasa, without hurting the dog …..I wonder.