In a seminar organized on the topic “Bhagavad Gita, Indian assumptions and Conversions” in Mysore on 15th February 2015, The so called
Intellectual an English Prof. K.S. Bhagavan, tried to burn the Holy Scripture. He said “Bhagavad Gita is the worst, imbalanced, unholy book on earth. It has to be burnt here itself” saying so he tried to burn it but
was stopped doing so by the organizers...... (No debate or even mention of this by Indian
Bhagavad Gita has made me understand that obtaining knowledge is better
than performing ritual. Better than knowledge is contemplation. Better then is
to put the contemplated knowledge to practice, but still much more better is to
surrender the results of the practice, because it is then there is immediate
Through Bhagavad Gita I understood never
was there been a time when I have not existed, nor will there be a time when I
will cease to exist. I am not deluded as I have comprehended that the same
person inhabiting the body through childhood, youth, and old age, so too after
death attains yet another body. So, I am neither the Body, nor Mind nor
Intellect. I am pure Consciousness.
Bhagavad Gita tells me delusion
sprouts from anger and cause confusion in my mind. My confused mind fails
logical reasoning. Without logical reasoning I cannot have a wise conclusion.
So it is better for me to remain calm even if I am in a worst situation.Mind is
always restless and difficult to restrain, but I can subdue it by continuous
practice. Practice, without break just like the flow of melted ghee when poured
to another container.
From Bhagavad Gita I know that I cannot restrain from action, as action is better than inaction. Even if a sit
idle my mind is active by thinking. Once a thought appears it is the start of
an action. Refraining from action does not get me freedom from action, but
convincing my mind to abstain from the results of the action can relieve me
from bondage. So, I am not the Doer.
Bhagavad Gita explains to me that there
is nothing in this entire universe that can make me happy unless I am
contentment with what I have. Without contentment there is insecure feel. Fear
is an outcome of insecure feel. I should not feel insecure of what is not real
as it never was and never will be. And what is real is always there and cannot
be eliminated. If I am contented with Self to serve the Self and am satisfied
within the Self then there remains nothing more for me to accomplish, so no
insecure feel and nothing to fear also.
Bhagavad Gita illustrates that whether
it be Karma marga (path of action), Jnana marga (path of knowledge), Raja marga
(path of meditation) or Bhakti marga (path of devotion) all are the ways to
lead to Divinity. None is inferior or superior. I have to choose the path which
gets along with my nature. I need not criticize those who are threading other
paths and at the same time boast about my path before them. It is irrelevant as
to how I thread the path to attain divinity. If my focus is right and
intentions are great and without attachment, I will arrive at the light and
become one with it.
Bhagavad Gita assures me that I
might not get more than what I desire but I won’t get less than I deserve. Knowing this I need not step out of Dharma to acquire anything which
is not mine. If I am entitled to possess something and even if I am not
pursuing it, it falls on my lap. At the same time if I do not deserve it how
much ever I try to acquire it I fail to lay my hands on it. So, I am non-Doer. If
I search for an answer to know how as a spiritual seeker I should behave with
my fellow beings, I find it necessary to be truthful, tolerant, compassionate,
and modest. With all such qualities no work stains me and He is there to help
me always.
Bhagavad Gita reveals to me that making
my mind single-pointed towards the Absolute and with a heart that is pure, all
my fears get dissolved in the vicinity of the Self and all my desires get
dedicated to Absolute. With all my desires dedicated to Him my mind and senses
are controlled, there is no hindrance for the union of the Self within so that
I attain a state of abiding joy and peace within me.
most important of all...... In this scripture He promises me that He always comes to destroy the evil and protect the
good, so I have to never be evil or even stand by it……!
Why is it that some so called “Intellectuals” target this wonderful Scripture without understanding it....... I wonder???
Wonderfl Scripture
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