Wednesday, September 5, 2018

1194. Writers Block

Every blogger would have at some point of time struggled with “Writers Block.” It is quite natural and happens when you are constantly knocking on new thoughts while completing a write up woven from your old thoughts and suddenly you get to realise you are heading nowhere. You just can’t continue to write or maybe doesn’t really go with what you’re trying to articulate. Writer’s block is so common state of mind and no creative person should waste his time banging his head over it.

None of us know what would happen the next moment. You never know something great may finally materialise and even though you might be going through some really hard time to focus and all these unnecessary thoughts keeps on accumulating in your mind. So penning a write up during such time is a sure challenge. But there is a word in Sanskrit “Jadabhava” which is an emotion called “Coolness” in simple words to remain cool. This emotion will help reflect on current situation and might bring out the creativity back from the numb.

The best thing would be to start again with cool mind and experiment with different thoughts later on but still have some vision as to what you want to achieve and then write freely. Doing so would actually make the writer in you happy and you’ll be more than satisfied with the result you get after the lapse.

I was more than happy to post my rumblings daily and really enjoyed sharing my thoughts with you all. The comments and views on the write up did polish my thought process. I look forward to come back as soon as possible.

Meantime I will stay in FB and post “Philosophy in Pics” for a few days.….Pranam.

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