There is a Sanskrit saying “Paradhinam Prana Sankatam” it vaguely means “Dependence constrains the Vital Breath.” Here if we observe the word used is “Prana” and not “Atma” Why have they used Prana???
Our scripture says that Prana (Vital Breath) is the
last to leave the body and along with it, it takes the Chaitanya (Consciousness).
Hanuman is called Mukhya Prana in Dvaita Philosophy. He is termed “Jeevottama”
the best among Jeevis. Why is he called Muhkya Prana? If contemplated deep there
are Abhimana Devathas for all our organs. Surya is the devatha for sight, Ashwini
twins for smell, Varuna for taste, Saraswathi for speech, Kubera for touch,
Bruhaspathi for hearing, Maharudradeva for mind and so on. If either of the
devathas leave the body the physical body does exist, but if Mukhya Prana (Vital Breath) leaves the body, Sri Hari who is the Chaitanya (Consciousness) in us depart.
We are asked to recite “Hanuman Chalisa” to gain
Self-Resiliency. Self-Resiliency is a trait by which we are able to
psychologically prepare our mind and have a sense of meaning and purpose to
face all challenges that we may encounter in our life. Hanuman is embodiment of
Now, this Self-Resilient should not be confused with Self-Dependent.
To be Self-Dependent is to go through life without a need to depend on others,
be it financially or emotionally. Self-Resilient is to have the zeal to recover
from setbacks and have an ability to bounce back quickly. Actually the word “Resilience” is used to any material which has the capability to recover its size
and shape after deformation caused especially by compressed stress. Rubber is
one such material, it bounces back to the original shape and size as soon as the
stress is removed.
Hanuman was one such character in Ramayana which made Sage
Valmiki call him “DhIra”. In Sanskrit this word can be analysed as “Dhi Sa
Ramante itti DhIra” meaning one who is delighted to go with what the Dhi says
is DhIra.”
Now what is this
Dhi is the highest power a human being possesses and
it has its dwelling in the Ajna Chakra (Pineal Gland). Using of this power is
the one which differentiates a human from an animal. An animal in its entire
lifespan is after SEED namely Sleep, Eat, Enjoy and Defend. There is one trait
in humans which highlights the distinction and that is the use of Dhi, the
Intellect. With this ever bright and glowing Dhi Shakti it is possible to
discriminate what to do and what not to in accordance with Dharmic sense or if
you want me to say in modern language Ethical sense. Hanuman was Self-Resilient
and hence he was DhIra.
A prime cause for losing peace of mind is dependence
on others. As far as possible, of course if we earnestly try, we will discover
that there are no hurdles to become Self-Resilient. Being
Self-Resilient boosts us to go after our responsibilities at ease. Just as the responsibility
to find Sitadevi and bring Sanjeevini was successfully handled by Hanuman.
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