Tuesday, April 16, 2019

1260. Life is a Story.....!

Life is the manifestation of the Absolute. The liveliness in life is the cosmic dance of the providence. That manifestation functions in every individual as a force which need not seek anybody’s permission to enter the body or does it ask for anyone's approval to exit from the body. It enters spontaneously and exits involuntarily. This entry and exit is termed as birth and death. Life as it is never born nor will never cease to exist. When it enters a particular body and leaves it that particular process is called birth and death.
In reality life is a bridge between birth and death. As we have an entrance to the bridge so do we have a passage out. So life is just a bridge to get over and not to build a permanent place there and reside. By the time we cross over the bridge we experience a continuous jump from one awareness to another and accumulate knowledge from those event just like how a bee jumps from one kind of fragrance flower to another and collect nectar.
Life is full of events which provide an experience to handle better if aware of what the event is, else it is mere event passing off as an incidence. Life is much more smarter than we can imagine, sometimes it works out to be in contrast to what we imagined or at other times it becomes harder to even comprehend what is happening. Wisdom lies in accepting life as it is. Instead of analysing life to make it comfortable, it is better to take it as it comes.
Life is never a problem to those who have no fear of future. Amazingly the past is dead and future is yet to be born, it is only the present which is with life. Living with the present and flowing with the life is the best. The life experience will be exciting and ecstatic only if the future is unknown. The mystic part of the future is the most beautiful phenomenon. Not knowing the next moment is the play of life. Life is awesome if it is tough and it is said that when the going gets tough the tough gets going.
Understandably the wheel of life does take us high and low, but that sine wave is real fun rather than a straight line. In the ECG pattern it is required to have a sine wave a straight horizontal line means the end. There is more to life than what our sense perceive it to be. The perceptions on life is imprisoned and contaminated in the mind as concepts, notion, imagination of how the livelihood is. But livelihood is not and will never be the life.
Neither the self-realisation nor the enlightenment need be the desire if love compassion, feeling of oneness and acceptance of everything is present as a core trait within us. It is required to cultivate a kind of detached attitude at a very young age, so that at middle or old age, it would be natural approach. The ultimate purpose is not to get away from the world, but to live life to the fullest. Living life to the fullest means living life as if there is no choice. Not bothered of what to do but just flowing with the flux of universe. Not having a choice to choose this over that, not categorizing anyone as a friend and foe. In love with the animate, inanimate, living, non living, conscious, unconscious. In love with all in love with the one. If life is a flower love is its fragrance, if life is fire love is its warmth. As sweetness is to sugar so love is to life.
One has to live in this world with artificial excitement outwardly and free of excitement in the mind as a doer outside and non-doer inside. By letting life at the outer level to go, we gain it in its inner depth. It may seem that we have lost life which is finite and trivial but we would have gained life which is infinite and immortal.

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