Thursday, December 6, 2018

1215. Agnihotra.....for Honey Bees, Earthworms and my Mind!

“If insects were to disappear, the world would fall apart — there’s no two ways about it,” said Goggy Davidowitz, Professor in the Departments of Entomology, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Arizona. 

About 60-70 % of our diet is from flowering plants so our food depends on insects for pollination. Honey bees are considered the best pollinators as a single bee visits nearly 5000 flowers each day and helps pollinating 1/3 of our food supplies. Extinction of honey bees would be catastrophic, destabilising important ecosystems and threatening global food security for humans as well as animals.

Earthworms are natural tillers feeding on dead and decaying organic matter present in soil they egest compost. This compost is very fertile with essential nutrients N.P.K (Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potash) required for the growth of a plant. There are several other minerals in compost that suppress disease in plants and increases porosity and microbial activity in soil. Presence of Earthworms assist in keeping the land aerated and help in retaining water as well.

It is important for us to take extra care in protecting Honey Bees and Earthworms for our survival. The first step towards the protection of these two species is to see that Desi Cow (Indian Breed Cows) are domesticated more and more.  How does rearing a Desi Cow protect Honey Bees and Earthworm??? What is the connection between these three??? 

Let’s go deep into this:  

For the Honey Bees to survive air should not be polluted. Bees’ ability to forage decreases as air pollution increases. Polluted air disturbs scent signals that bees need to locate and reach flowering plants for their nectar hunt. Earthworms populate high if the soil is rich in Bio-nutrients. Earthworm multiply quickly in micro-organic matter. Desi Cow dung ash has the ability to increase the pH level of the soil as it is alkaline in nature and surge the micro-organic culture and soil organic matter. Our farmers preserved the seeds by smearing Desi Cow dung ash as it is very effective in keeping the pest and insects away.

Air pollution is the presence of pathogenic bacteria and viruses which gets annihilated by the fumes from burning of dry Desi Cow dung cake with rice using ghee as supporter of combustion. This fume purifies air and the ash from this when spread out on soil enriches it with bio nutrients making it feasible for the Earthworm to flourish. Desi Cow, Honey Bee and Earthworm thus have an invisible connection. 

Agnihotra is a simple Vedic ritual where ghee & rice are given as oblation by burning it over dry Desi Cow dung cakes at the time of Sunrise and Sunset while chanting of two different mantras (for Sunrise and Sunset). The fumes and the ash do what is needed for protecting Honey Bees and Earthworms. Now, in this whole exercise we can take care of “thought pollution” too. The mantra while offering oblations end with words “Idam Na Mama” (It is not Mine) so that the seeker is reminded that whatever he thinks is offering is from God and for the benefit of all. Agnihotra enhance the state of tranquillity of mind. The fume from Agnihotra gathers particles of harmful radiation in the atmosphere and on a very subtle level neutralises their radioactive effect. 

Worship of Agni and Surya is always been a part of life style for a Sanatani and I feel fortunate and blessed to have the opportunity to practice Agnihotra.   

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