Tuesday, November 13, 2018

1207. You are That.....!

“Tat Tvam Asi” meaning “You are That” is one of the “Mahavakyas” (Great Statements) which originates from the Chandogya Upanishad. Uddalaka, the father of a know-it-all son Swethaketu tries to explain that Consciousness is wholly or partially the Ultimate Reality. This statement has been interpreted in three different ways by our Acharya Trio – Sri Sri Shankara, Srimad Ramanuja and Sriman Madhva. Though they are contradictory all the three interpretations are correct.

Sri Sri Shankara advocates it in “Advaita” (Non Duality) thought as in - there are no two separate identities, the Paramatma (Absolute Consciousness) and Jeevatma (Individual Consciousness) are one and the same. There is no efforts required to become Brahman, rather, one already is and just needs to realise it.

Srimad Ramanuja supports it from Vishishtadvaita (Qualified Non Duality) dimension as in with self-realisation, you become unified with the Brahman while still retaining your identity, thus only becoming a part of Brahman but not fully integrated.

Sriman Madhva giving it the Dviata (Duality) touch states entirely different with “Atat Tvam Asi” meaning “You are not That”, thus establishing a clear difference between Paramatma and Jeevatma. There is Duality as in one set apart from another. The world around us, we as individuals and the Brahman are all distinct.

Now, let us forget the interpretation of the three Acharyas for a while and try to understand what “Tat Tvam Asi” – “You are That” literally mean. In general it says “I am That”, meaning that “I’ am something “That” which is outside of my “This” physical body. If this statement is true then I am all that – “IS”.

“Tat Tvam Asi” if understood in these line will really be a statement of compassion, love and equality towards all being, not only within mankind but of all living beings.

My question is does not “Tat Tvam Asi” (You are That) symbolise empathy, the ability to see myself in other fellow creatures???

If I think so, I will not hate my fellow beings on the lines of Caste, Creed and Nationality. I will not slaughter Animals and Birds, I will not cut down Trees....... But is that “Tat” understood clearly as that which is away from “Me” is the million dollar question???

A blacksmith working at the anvil was constantly annoyed by a naughty kid. So to frighten him the blacksmith took the red hot iron piece from the furnace and brought it near the face of the naughty kid.
The kid gave a mischievous smile and said, “If you will give me a rupee, I will lick it.”

Immediately the blacksmith dug out a rupee coin from his shirt pocket and threw it at the kid and stretching out the tongs said, “Go ahead, and lick it!”

The kid picked up the coin and to the astonishment of the blacksmith and the merriment of the bystanders started licking the coin. Then he ran away with it. To the blacksmith, “It” was a red-hot piece of iron held by the tong, and to the boy “It” was a rupee coin.

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