Thursday, January 17, 2019

1231. Reason for Life....

My Facebook friend Sri Narasimha Sharma sent me a link on an interesting subject “IKIGAI” – Your Reason for Life.

Ikigai is a combination of two Japanese words “Iki” (Life) and “Kai” (Reason) which roughly means “the realisation of what one expects and hopes for”. Further the article elaborates Ikigai as the convergence of four primary elements:

What you Love (Passion).
What the World Needs (Mission).
What you are Good at (Vocation).
What you can get Paid for (Profession).

All the above said elements are wound around Ikigai, that is seen as the source of value or what make one’s life truly worthwhile. Japanese have taken this Ikigai to be the “reason to get up in the morning”.

Not everything in life is economically rooted as the economics of life cannot go beyond mental or spiritual realms. There are natural actions and spontaneous responses that emerge from a deep and direct connection to life. This connection is not monetary based always it can be a unique gift or special talent we have which is to benefit others. The art of blending this unique talent to benefit mankind in the long run will help us experience the joy in what we do. Doing what we love and loving what we do, raise the spirit and make us look forward to do it repetitively, though not becoming monotonous. This might help the mental realm, from Spiritual point of view this cannot be considered to be the “reason for life.” In Spirituality essence what ever we do has to be done consciously and without looking for returns in it. As a person in social dominion survival also is important. To lead a life of reason is just to be aware of what the purpose of existence is and how to blend that purpose with intent to benefit others around.

Similar to Ikigai here are some questions that may help uncover reason for life.

1) What do I love to do, doing which I lose track of time???
2) What did I always aspire to be when I grew up???
3) What is it that if I do, no rework is required???
4) What is it that makes me specialised in doing it???

If the answers for these questions are found then the purpose of life is almost fulfilled. The next thought is “how can what I am doing earn me a living, in my own unique way??? This question will open a huge amount of opportunities that life can offer.

We are all inter dependant beings on this earth plane and our action will directly or indirectly make or break the fabric of sustenance. We are all here to serve humanity with our talents and be part of the success story of this period. The talent in all of us will find its value when we start asking “how can my service benefit.” more than just “how am I benefited???”  

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