Saturday, January 19, 2019

1232. Big Fish Small Fish.....

In Bhagavad-Gita Sri Krishna gives an excellent example of “Padma Patra” the Lotus Leaf, even though immersed in water the leaf is not wet due to the super hydrophobic surface of the leaf. Sri Krishna wants Arjuna to lead a life where though he is involved in it he doesn't get entangled.

Is it possible to be so???

Yes, only if we learn to get involved and not get entangled in Samsara Maya (Worldly Illusion).

What does it mean????

We cannot be successful in either the external world nor in the internal world while we are tossed about by our powerful Ego. It is this Ego which does not let us just involve in life but gets us entangled in it. What is required is the Ichcha Shakti (Strong Will) to take care of our Ego. The power of will is like spring whose source is the Pure Being. It infuses mind and body with enthusiasm, courage and energy to act. 

Ego is characterised by stubbornness, selfishness, and unwillingness to compromise. This induces the identity which makes us behave bigger than life. Identity is like a crouching frog in the pond called Ego. Looking from our egoistic perspective, only our own feelings and our own voice become relevant. It is here we lose our composure the moment our feelings or our words are slightly bruised. And all problems are caused by colliding Egos. 

A strong Ego is as much of an obstacle in spiritual practice as it is in worldly matters. The solution is not to eliminate Ego but to do our best to minimise, transform and guide it properly. This can be done by applying Buddhi (Power of Discrimination). 

Ego refers to a sense of self that is somewhat self-existent and is shaped up by the information received from the external environment. It does not depend on its association for its place in us, it is all by itself self-existent. It is good to have a little Ego; it is like salt to be added to improve the taste of bland dish, but too much of it will spoil the taste of the dish.

When a fisherman lowers his net into the ocean and it is only the big fish that get entangled in that net. The tiny fish just involve themselves into a play with the net going in and coming out of it. Getting involved in life is like being in the water and not getting entangled in the net which is Maya. The bigger your Ego is, the greater is the chances that you entangle in Maya.     

When we study scriptures and contemplate to know the insight by seek the company of the wise, we are successful in making our ego less significant. The insignificant ego accompanied by a sharp intellect, gets a glimpse of the next level of awareness. As the ego of a dedicated seeker begins to diminish the veil of duality is lifted and the insignificant ego sees the whole universe in itself and itself in the whole universe. 

Be a small fish so that you can play with the net, if you are a big fish you are caught in the net for sure.  

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