Tuesday, October 22, 2013

204. Can Inner Happiness glow while people around are not happy??

Happiness does not come from the objects away from us. An individual can be happy by seeing beyond that which is imperfect without expecting things to be perfect. Human life is such that there are problem and in the same way routes to come out of it. Some have the capacity to overcome the problem while some are not so and hence are entangled in it. They say that happiness is within us and it is shrouded by our unwanted desires, thoughts, and worries. Yes, one has to completely agree that happiness can be experienced when our unwanted desires subside.

Man is a social animal and a dependable being. Living in a society engages the interaction with the fellow citizens. The true nature of a person is to be happy. That is the reason if suppose we walk across a person whom we know and find him glumly, we instantly ask, “What happened, why you are dull today????” This sort of question does not arise when we find the same person happy we never ask, “What happened, why you are so happy today????”

Many Spiritual people who have experienced happiness within would want the people around them also to be happy. In his life also Srimad Ramanuja had faced the same situation. These are the incidences which show that “Love is when other persons happiness is more important that our own”

Ramanuja was asked by his guru Periya Nambi to go to Thirukoshtiyur Nimbi to learn from him the Ashtakshara Mantra (the eight syllable mantra) that is revered sacred by the Sri Vaishnavas. Ramanuja took the advice of his guru and proceeded to Thirukoshtiyur. He went to Thirukoshtiyur Nambi’s house and prostrated before him and put up his request to him.

Thirukoshtiyur Nambi looked at him and said, “I do not think you are eligible to get the Ashtakshara Mantra as of now. You go and come back again after some time.” Ramanuja returned to Srirangam with much disappointment and made eighteen trips to Thirukoshtiyur by walk and each time he was sent back.

Looking at Ramanuja’s persistence one day Thirukoshtiyur Nambi sent one of his disciples to Srirangam to tell Ramanuja to come and receive the incitation of the Ashtakshara Mantra. Ramanuja went and prostrated at the feet of Thirukoshtiyur Nambi.

Thirukoshtiyur Nambi said, “I will now incite the Ashtakshara Mantra which will free the person who recites it from cycle for birth and death and you have to keep it a secret never reveal it to any one. If you do so you will go to hell.”

Ramanuja was incited with the mantra. Ramanuja’s face was radiant and he was very happy. Next morning instead of returning to Srirangam he went to Thirukoshtiyur temple. On the way he was calling out the people and was telling them to come to the temple and he would gift them a valuable gem which would give them eternal bliss. Ramanuja climbed up the steps and reached the top of the temple Gopuram.

He told the people that he was going to tell them about the Ashtakshara Mantra “Om Namo Narayanaya” that would free them from the birth circle. He loudly chanted “Om Namo Narayanaya” and asked the people to repeat it. People were all enthralled and repeated it.

Thirukoshtiyur Nambi came to know this and he fumed with rage. He came to the temple and shouted, “By giving initiation to you I have committed a sin. You are a traitor you will go to hell.”

Ramanuja replied politely, “Acharya! I know that I will go to hell for not abide your command. But if thousands of people would be benefited by chanting this mantra, I would not mind going to hell.”

When Nambi heard this he hugged Ramanuja and appreciated his broadmindedness and blessed him.

“Love is when other persons happiness is more important that our own”

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